There was a time when I was a believer.

First Santa Claus. Then Jesus. Then Democracy.  

These concepts are specific and baked into our American culture.

But are they real?


Our shared cultural ideas are powerful train tracks across which we run stories about America, These stories tell us who belongs, who should rule and how we ought to manage societal resources.

Frank and Brian Herbert explore the depth and power of shared cultural myths in their multi-novel Dune series. And, of course, now my favorite director Denis Villaneuve has translated the first Dune novel into an extraordinary feature film starring Timothee Chalamet, Josh Brolin, Zendaya and Jason Momoa. In the Dune storyworld, competing tribes and families fight over natural resources. And a centuries-old, inter-planetary religious legend about the birth of a savior coincides with human events and war to trigger pivotal events.

This kind of culturally-embedded story rings so true on many levels upon which I have experienced popular cultural lore. It creates meaning for everyday people, is broad enough for interpretation and serves to motivate and justify extreme behavior.

Did Santa Claus literally ride his sleigh my childhood home and descend the chimney to give me presents?  I dont think so.  But when the concept lived in my heart and imagination, I wrote him letters, left cookies and milk and acted “good” to avoid getting a lump of coal in my stocking. Instead, I got a fish tank and a Spice Girls album.

I hail from a family chock full of old-time religion folks — Baptists and Methodists who love the cadence, poetry and philosophy of the Bible for moral, prosperous living.  Whether preached by a Jimmy Swaggart, Billy Graham, Rod Parsley or George W. Bush, Bill Clinton or Kanye, there’s something irresistible about the Word.  Wanna halt a naughty Child? God wouldn’t like you picking your nose of drawing on the wall.  Wanna give a cheating lover pause?  What would Jesus do?  Not that.  Wanna stop funding research to cure HIV/AIDS? Say the Lord wouldn’t approve. And if you want to effectively dog-whistle believers to vote a certain way, get Pastor John Hagee and Pastor Jerry Falwell to call for good people to do the “right thing” in the voting booth.

It’s like they start you young, immerse you in cult-like practices. You repeat the prayers, you sing the folk-mass songs, you choke down that flavorless wafer on an empty stomach.  Enough repetition and it becomes a habit like washing behind your ears or brushing your teeth. When you travel the world, religious symbols are welcome sign, beacons of sanctuary, reassurance of civilization no matter how far flung. A touchstone of belonging and easy conversation.  Nowadays, it’s hard to recall the years when we only said, “Merry Christmas!” 

The system worked.  Church and state. God-sanctioned.  The “right” way. Get right with the Lord.  You need a friend? And his name is Jesus.  We can only place Mohammed and rabbis on a timeline before Christ.  Because there is truly only one right way. And only one real way. Other ways are just mistakes on the road to — just like the pants — true religion. 

Just like other forms of government are fake — like plastic “paste” instead of pearls. Mica ain’t gold. If it ain’t democracy, you must be living in a third-world hellhole.  Even amid our tumultuous 2020, most American voters cannot conceive that the opposite of democracy is not communism.  You really can have a sophisticated Western democratized socialism with free healthcare, education and unarmed police forces.  It exists and succeeds in the Scandinavian peninsula, in New Zealand and in more places. It’s hard for me to describe as an American because it’s not discussed on mainstream American news and I only read The Economist on LinkedIn.

It is possible to have more commonwealth and common health and even an electoral process that does not rely on dirty tricks like killing budgets for HIV harm reduction or stealth tactics like screwing up the Post Office during a pandemic.

And everybody can believe in that.


Katy Perry gives Rihanna the ol' side-eye.

Katy Perry gives Rihanna the ol’ side-eye.


My girlfriend Josie used to be sooooo cool.  But in the last three months though she has  became the biggest bitch going. We were best friends.  Truly, I love the girl. I helped her get a job in my office and we even live together.  I’m not saying she has to be slavishly thankful. But ever since Todd (the football player she likes) gave her the old razzmatazz and blew her off she’s a different woman.  Now she is so two-faced, making comments implying I’m some sort of slut just because guys like me, especially my actual boyfriend Scott.  Sorry Todd’s just not into you.  Josie’s now the biggest attention seeker going. Always lectures me on how I’m eating the wrong thing and how I am sure to get fat. She flirts with every guy with her vapid baby talk. Then storms off when she doesn’t get attention.  She stalks me and inserts herself into all my conversations, interrupting to say how she likes the colors we’re wearing and taking pictures of me and whomever I’m with (!!!). She gets wasted at parties, breaking lights off the walls, taking her top off and running around in her bra. Now she’s trying to split me and my boyfriend Scott up because she “wants me to keep my options open.” Gee, thanks for your concern. I am running out of patience.  When will my old BFF come back?

-Petrissa Q. 



You know that movie Single White Female?  Well, meet Single Black Female.  My boss and I are the same type — Black women in our 20s.  Except I’m a size 4 and pretty (you better be if you want a decent guy in Manhattan). My boss is a big girl, with a big nose, droopy breasts from yo-yo dieting and a bigger ego.  Because of her job title and salary she really thinks she ought to have the best of everything, especially guys.  But the only way she can is to pay for a guy — give a broke musician a place to stay, give a bar guy in Jamaica or Dominican Republic spending money or marry an ex-con mechanic.  Not. My. Fault. But I’m tired of her insisting on tagging along when I go out for drinks or clubbing.  We’re not actually friends and she’s just using me to meet men.

-Alexa K. 



This person is a little self-hating stalker.  She is no longer a genuine friend.  Don’t be fooled — she’s a little bit in love with you and even wants your attention.  Maybe even all your attention. But right now, she hates you more than she loves you.  And she is actively seeking to hurt you

Will it rise to the level of physical violence? Time will tell.  But the undermining, gossip and innuendo will cost you at work and in your personal life.  Whether on the cheerleading squad, in the sorority, in your neighborhood, yoga class or job.

The aggression is real.  The hater hopes you are weak and will believe her negative comments.  She dreams that you will internalize her hateful bullshit.  From nasty gossip to throwing shade, eye-rolling and sucking teeth, you can’t ignore these assaults.  They are meant to trouble, hurt and intimidate you.

It’s not a surprise when, despite her criticisms she starts talking, acting and dressing like you.  Your haircut, handbag, cut of jeans.  It’ll get much weirder before it gets done.


As much as you can, cut this hater off.  Cut down on the information she knows about you.  Supply preposterous misinformation to make the shit she talks about you baseless and non-sensical. Tell her your arms and legs are prosthetic, you found out your family is really from Russia, tell her you’re an alien, tell her you’re wearing a wig/ weave, tell her this is not your real name, etc.

As long as the bad behavior persists, make clear to others that she is no longer your bestie and that you do not accept or co-sign her behavior.  Stop socializing with her as an automatic part of your clique.

Every time your hater says something bitchy, say “That’s not a very nice thing to say. Would you like it if I did or said something like that to you?”

Alternately, when your hater seeks attention, completely ignore her, walk away, talk to someone else – don’t even comment. And keep it moving.

Attention seekers love being the focus of attention. When they don’t get any attention, they get bored. Sooner or later they find a new target. Trust me, they don’t see you as a human being, they just see you as a tool to gratify them with attention. You’ll get rid of her sooner or later.



My boyfriend Ward is a successful songwriter and DJ.  He’s signed to Young Money and he behaves like the Prince song: he wants to be my lover, my mother, my brother, my sister too, and my father. I’m so lucky that Ward supports me while I finish college and medical school.  Ward swears he’s a good Christian and focused on family.  He’s a great boyfriend  and we’re gonna get engaged at Christmas.  Ward claims he has the ultimate respect for me as his girlfriend.  Then why do I have crabs? 

-Sheila M.

My boyfriend Rajiv is very smart — the Cornell grad is going to be a doctor.  He spent the whole summer studying really hard for his medical board examinations. I’m really proud to be his girlfriend. On August 30th, I teased Mr. Workaholic into taking a break to celebrate his birthday at his favorite BBQ restaurant in Murray Hill. We had the candles and sparklers and singing waitress with a molten chocolate lava cake.  One of the other waitresses pulled me aside and asked me why my boyfriend has three different birthdays and three different girlfriends to celebrate each one with him. So Rajiv is the man with three birthdays. He has 3 girlfriends at the same time and he told us all different birthdays: June, July and August 30th. He kept the dates similar so that if any one of us looked at his Driver’s License, he could say that there was a mistake at the DMV. Rajiv is really smart. I mean, a douchebag but a smart one. And I got played like a Stradivarius.

-Nora K.


These days, being girlfriend and boyfriend doesn’t always count for much besides friendly sexual access. Many men get a “girlfriend” not because they love the woman, but because this is the simplest and easiest way to get laid consistently for cheap.

Ladies, this is the new game in town:  “The Bullsh*t Title.”

Dinner is a setup — you know how it’s gonna end. Meeting his friends, co-workers and Mom is just a ruse to make it seem real. Time together is spent watching TV at home. You’ll be doing alot of hot sex. Not that anything’s wrong with hot sex. But what’s the point?  Where is it going?  Very likely nowhere. Women stay “girlfriends” with a B.S. man for years and realize way late that he never planned to marry them. He may talk kids, marriage and homebuying but… Is he funny about giving you gifts you can keep?  Dodgy about travelling together and spending holidays together?  Having events and trips you aren’t welcome at? “Hanging with the boys” again? When it’s all said & done, he enjoyed the consistent piece of ass.  I hope you enjoyed delivering it, too.

Deciphering the B.S. is what this blog and the dating game is all about.  And it can be tougher to solve than the Rubik’s cube.


Don’t fall for the “B.S. title” game.

If you both felt you struck gold with each other, then there would be no need keep dating and having lovers behind your back.  Next!



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LOVE SCENE INVESTIGATION I am a liberated female and I do not need a man.  I work hard for long hours and have made Vice President at my firm.  I tried and eHarmony but I’ll tell you what:  for … Continue reading